$33.00 USD

Every month

33 day trial
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Here's a recap of everything you are getting in the Bloom Together monthly membership

✅ Bloom Together is a new community space and leadership accelerator for women in HR; People, Talent, Reward, Learning... all of us!

✅ Full access to the 6 module course that started it all; Bloom Leadership Accelerator, completed with re-usable workbook, tools, scripts and frameworks [value $1850]

✅ Ongoing weekly coaching sessions [value $3000]

✅ Exclusive conversations with other women in leadership and other experts who can help us level up together [value $1000]

✅ Access to the scripts, workbooks and templates you get in Bloom [$250]

✳️ ...and the love and sisterhood of being inside a community whose only purpose is to to lift one another up! [value: $600]

Total value = $6700, yours today for FREE for 33 days and then $33 a month

But do not just take my word for it, read what some of my previous students say below.

It is time to stop thinking you aren’t enough. With Bloom...

  • You’ll go from unseen and undervalued to visible and valued in your organisation.
  • You’ll be able to attract different career opportunities.
  • You’ll be desired for leadership roles (not that you’ll have to take them, but your bosses will see and value you as a leader).
  • You’ll be able to craft your own career roadmap and make bold moves in your career.
  • You'll be able to work sustainably, say no and banish burnout.
  • You'll be able to communicate confidently with every audience.

You were never too much. You were always enough.

And it's your time to Bloom ✳️

Hear from other folks in Bloom

The Bloom Together community is brimming with caring, bright minds who truly support one another and share ideas and experiences, I now can't be without them and look forward to each well planned session (not to mention ultra fulfilling IRL events). Ruth's thoughtful perspective on everything from corporate experiences to holistic toolkits is one of a kind. She is so giving, gracious and is doing extremely important work in an area so desperately overlooked.

Leigh, Founder

I felt really stuck before signing up, but knew I wanted to get a new role that felt aligned and exciting. Bloom really helped me to build confidence and remind myself who I am, what is important to me and what I can offer. It really felt like a safe space and I just started a new role that feels truly aligned.

Sarah, Partnerships Manager

As someone whose greatest limitations are confidence and self-belief, Bloom helped me take huge strides forward with both. I learned how to set boundaries, become more comfortable with making mistakes, speak up, tackle perfectionism, manage difficult stakeholders and be courageous in everything I do.

Natasha, Head of People

I joined Bloom at a pretty tough time for me professionally and personally. Ruth was a great inspiration for me and helped me see the wood for the trees. It was a privilege to be guided by someone so compassionate and dedicated. I’d strongly recommend working with Ruth!

Hanna, People Director